Kalena Miller: The Night When No One Had Sex (Hardcover, 2021, AW Teen) 4 stars

Review of 'The Night When No One Had Sex' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

The Night When No One Had Sex by Kalena Miller is a story that you could easily imagine being a teen movie on Netflix etcetera. I can guarantee that there would be laughter, blushes and recognition of the group of teens in viewers just as much as there will be readers of this YA novel.

Our tale follows a group of friends at the end of their time in an American High School, and Kalena Miller has perfectly written this group of teens who've made a post-prom pact involving of course; sex. The group chats alone will have you chuckling and recognising either yourself or acquaintances in the group of teens because Miller has written The Night When No One Had Sex that well.

It's told from different points of view, which really gives you as the reader let's you understand the eight characters both individually and as the four couples. Whether it be members of the LGBTQ+ community, a teenager struggling with living with chronic illness and a family member who struggles to balance their sibling being ill and being still themselves, someone who struggles with anxiety and the impact it has on their day to day life choices as well as ethnicity and body size. Not once does it feel like a character is there to tick a box, Miller's attention to detail and thought over the eight teens and the world building around them ensures the reader can see the events clearly from each person as if at their side.

Classed as a romance, I feel the The Night When No One Had Sex is a tale of self discovery, of friendship and understanding of who you are and who you can become. Thank you for the opportunity to read it.