
Review of 'Kingdom of the Cursed' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Kingdom of the Cursed, the sequel to Kingdom of the Wicked by Kerri Maniscalco is simply divine.

The tale truly ups the ante from our first introduction to Wrath and Emilia as we return to the Seven Circles of Hell and Emilia's need for answers as to why her twin, Vittoria was murdered because no matter what is said, and how Emilia goes over everything she knows and had been told has? Nothing adds up and vengeance is truly needed by the young and fierce witch. Kingdom of the Wicked was classed as Young Adult, but Kingdom of the Cursed is most certainly 'New Adult' or perhaps needs shelving in the fantasy section of your favourite bookstore - and that's evident from the first page. Kerri Maniscalco has added a maturity to the book that truly gives the tale an edge to it that may have been missed in book one.

The world building of the seven circles adds a dark allure to the already seductive tale and gives us insight to the Seven Princes of Hell and their individual sins and are contributive to the riddles, secrets, misdirections and truths that left Emilia who is slowly being reborn within House Wrath. I loved how Maniscalco wove in the concepts of Milton so there is a Gothic novel feel to elements of this wonderfully addictive series. Each demonic character, and the Wicked are the stuff of true dark fantasy and add so much to the tale of Wrath and Emilia both their love story, because love truly plays a major part in Kingdom of the Cursed alongside the mystery of a witch lost among her natural enemies who may keep her safer than those Emilia had known her entire life because they seem to truly accept her for who she is as herself which is wonderful to see unfold.

Kingdom of the Cursed is an incredible sequel, that unlike many? Lacks nothing - I only wish it were twice as long and book three was already here. If you haven't read this series but love the allure of the Dark? Go get both books, pour yourself your favourite drink and enter the realms of the Wicked, where Sin and magic weave themselves around you and these incredible characters.

A love story unlike any other. Enemies who are the missing piece to 0ne another despite all they have been told and perhaps if I am correct of what book three will give us - a connection that will save each other.

Ps. Isn't Envy the epitome of trouble? And Pride in need of a kick up the ass?