
Review of 'Troublemaker' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Troublemaker is a book for now, that tales of a tale of yesterday and a harsh reminder that despite every promise and vow? There is ingrained and systematic problems in society when it comes to race and the colour of one's skin.

John Cho tells a story set in the Korea Town area of the City of Angels at the height of the Rodney King Riots of 1992 that tore Los Angeles apart and caused chaos and destruction in its wake. It's an incredibly emotional and thoughtful story and my reasoning on it being a book for now, is that events that occur are very reminiscent of the Black Lives Marchs and the violence that did occur through America in the last few years.

It's a tale of self-discovery and a story of feeling misunderstood and out of place with everything that is something I think many children, regardless of gender or race in our world now as 12 year old Jordan attempts to help his father be kept safe although his plan is extreme and leaves the young boy vulnerable to all around him.

I loved Troublemaker, it was incredible and I feel grateful I read it and learned even a little more of that time even through fiction.

Thank you to TBR and Beyond for the tour opportunity.