
Review of "ABC's of Consent" on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

The ABCs of Consent by Krstaelynne Sanders Diggs is an interesting book and I fully agree that the concept of consent has to start earlier than it does.

The illustrations are beautiful with vibrant colours and designs that gain and hold your attention which given this is primarily a picture book? Is a necessity.

I had high hopes for this book when I began, as I know often there is a dosconnect with the way people have been taught, and what children need. For example, often the older generation expect young children to hug them - say a grandparent who visits once a year; who is visiting and a child who rarely sees them. To the child; the adult is pretty much a stranger and doesn't want to do what is expected.

That child should be respected and a book such as this, will help open conversations as to why expectations and reality can differ and that an adult isn't always right.

I can see The ABCs of Consent is going to be often a tool for conversation in schools and homes - because a child's voice is often not heard or respected.

I will also say that I found myself so sad that the implication behind some of the rhymes because of the age this is designed for.

My problem with the book and why it's not getting five stars is it feels a little rushed and some of the rhymes don't flow well to me.

For example: