
Review of 'My Child Told Me Theyre Trans ... What Do I Do?' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Thank you to Brynne Tannehill and Jessica Kingsley Publishers for me copy of this book.

As a nonbinary parent of two trans children, I find it imperative that there are books out there for parents who may not even know what it is to be lgbtqia never mind transgender.

It is important to point out that the book covers potentially triggering topic matters but as difficult as it is, they are there as a means of education. I would feel wrong not mentioning it however, and I shall list them at the end of the review so it is your choice whether you check them or not rather being mid-review.

When you're questioning 'What to Do?' Brynne Tannehill has successfully combined a lot of the answers and given it in a manner that isn't too overwhelming as often your mind is already running at a mile a minute I imagine. Providing a question that is commonly asked, the reader is provided with several answers from parents who have already faced the beginning of this journey and bring their own life experiences into play - this gives you the opportunity to see what might be your best approach for the problem you're facing.

My only issue was it is focused on America as far as I could comprehend as I hadn't encountered some of the situations these parents have. If I am correct, and you aren't within America, this book is still excellent but you may need further information relevant to your location.
Trigger Topics: Deadnaming, Transphobia,
Misgendering, Bullying.. Non-Affirmation and other potential topics but these stood out to me the most.