
Review of 'Cerebral Palsy : A Story' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Ilana Estelle's Cerebral Palsy : A Story Finding the Calm After the Storm is a book that both educated and moved me pretty much from the first page. I hadn't honestly known how I would feel when I began to read it, or how it would affect me but I was left in awe of Ilana. The book blends the medical information and Ilana's story perfectly and I liked how it was done in small amounts so it's not information overload as you go. Whilst obviously the focus is on Cerebral Palsy, there are elements to her recollections that will resonate with others living with disabilities. That relateability makes so much of a difference to know that a stranger can get the frustration, the exhaustion and the relief to know what is going on with your body when you've had to fight for answers.

This kind of book could be heavy and hard to read, be too much reliant on technical terminology but Ilana Estelle has assured that you can pick this up and learn about a person and their conditions. Whether you have Cerebral Palsy or various other conditions mentioned within the book or are simply curious about the condition, you are able to understand the illness though Estelle's eyes, the frustration of waiting so very long to have the correct answer given. I cannot even begin to imagine how difficult it must have been to spend so long being told you have one thing but knowing even subconsciously that it was wrong.

I was left in awe of Ilana Estelle, of the child she had been facing barrier after barrier in her life as she tried to progress through school and felt anger that there hadn't been enough support for her to succeed. I can't help but wonder just how different things could have been if just one person had acknowledged that it wasn't laziness etcetera holding her back and making work difficult. Sadly, something we still see occurring today in schools decades later.

Whilst the problems Ilana suffered with for so long were the initial reason for the blog that was the precursor to this incredible book? I am so glad that something negative first and foremost became a source of good for her, but has also become a resource and sense of belonging for those who follow and gain something from it and I truly believe the same will be said about Cerebral Palsy : A Story Finding the Calm After the Storm.

I'm so glad I got to read this... I felt a plethora of emotion and came away truly affected.