Patrick Rothfuss: The Wise Man’s Fear (2011, Gollancz) 4 stars

Preceded by: [The Name of the Wind][1]

In The Wise Man's Fear, Kvothe searches for …

Review of 'The Wise Man’s Fear' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

The Wise Man's Fear leaves me rather torn. It was a very pleasant reading experience, but it left me dissatisfied. I wanted to hug the writing, that's how much I enjoyed it, and yet having finished the book, I am left wanting for more from the book. I expected a brilliant continuation of The Name of the Wind, and only got a good sequel, not an excellent one.

TWMF continues Kvothe's story in 1000 pages, and my major issue is that despite the amount of pages, very little progress in the overall story was made. Maybe I am to blame for actually not knowing what the overall story arc might be. I don't know how an additional book will wrap this up. In TWMF, Kvothe is still a 17 year old boy, and so the gap from Kvothe to Kote will have to be filled somehow. I don't know!

We spend a good amount of time with Kvothe at university, which was very similar to The Name of the Wind. There's no real movement in the story until Kvothe leaves university to assist the Maer in Vintas in hopes of patronage. Eventually he is whisked away by a faerie, and that part of the book really cost the book a whole rating star for me. It was stupid, entirely too long, and aside from the conversation with the Cthaer completely pointless. I get it, Kvothe is a total stud. Then he joins the Adem and aside from being a total stud, he's now great at martial arts as well. Plus a mage as wonderful as Taborlin the Great. Maybe my problem is that I don't really like Kvothe all that much anymore. At least the Adem training was really enjoyable to read, unlike the Felurian interlude.

I am still curious about some things in the story. What the heck is Bast about? Who is Denna's patron and when will she and Kvothe finally admit to their feelings? What about the Amyr and the Chandrian? Especially that last question is driving me insane, because in that regard the story hasn't moved forward whatsoever.

Basically, four stars for the beautiful writing, but in regards to the story, this was a letdown. I am apparently very picky when I am looking for epic fantasy.