Steve McHugh: Crimes Against Magic (Paperback, 2013, 47North) 4 stars

Review of 'Crimes Against Magic' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I chose this book as a free club card download offer, and I have to say, I enjoyed it immensely. The narrative switches between early fifteenth-century France and modern-day London as we learn about warlock Nathan Garrett's past, as he tries to remember it in the present to save the lives of himself, and his friends, after a job he takes to steal a scientist's laptop goes monumentally awry.

The story itself is full of action, is well written, and the characters are all fleshed out. The genre is urban fantasy, which is something I've not come across before, but even though it contains vampires, werewolves and gargoyles, they don't seem at odds with the setting of today's London.

Steve McHugh's Hellequin Chronicles has quite a few more books to it, so I may well read more of them in the future. I hope there's more on Thomas the werewolf, as out of all of the side characters, he seemed the most interesting to me.