A. S. King: Please ignore Vera Dietz (2010, Alfred A. Knopf) 4 stars

When her best friend, whom she secretly loves, betrays her and then dies under mysterious …

A teen dramedy that's worth the read

4 stars

This book starts off with a fairly comedic feel, but it does a good job of letting the reader know there will be dramatic things coming ahead.

The author does a good job of building up from slice-of-life to a full on murder mystery. It mostly takes the first person POV of the teenage girl, Vera, but it occasionally takes on the perspective of others to great comedic or dramatic effect. The one thing that kept me from giving it 5 stars was that the main antagonist, a "rival" teenage girl, was mean without any context, and it would have been good to change to her POV to help flesh her out more.

The book touches on a some difficult subjects (alcoholism, domestic abuse, sexual exploitation, bullying) without resorting to being overly graphical. The characters' struggles to cope with all of their traumas is used to help the reader feel the impact.

It is a good read for those that enjoy young adult novels with a good balance of comedy, drama, and discussing some heavy subjects.