Paul Kalanithi: When Breath Becomes Air (2016, Random House) 4 stars

At the age of thirty-six, on the verge of completing a decade’s worth of training …

Review of 'When Breath Becomes Air' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I admit to being conflicted about this book. I really wanted to love this book, after all, it had gotten stellar media reviews, yet, when I started reading the book, my feelings bubbled to the surface.

I mean, what’s not to “love” a book about a dying neurosurgeon who took the time to chronicle is journey from being doctor to patient.

Yet, as I trudged towards the end of the book, I found myself not enjoying the book and wondered why.

After careful consideration, I realized it was because this wasn’t the kind of book I’d read previously where a doctor (or patient) chronicles their journeys and reader me was taken along for the ride. Instead, When Breath Becomes Air was more of a metaphysical, philosophical journey and one I really wasn’t interested in taking.

Paul Kalanithi’s background as a writer and philosopher permeated the prose as he wrote about his journey with cancer. Having really not enjoyed philosophy and literature courses in college, I really couldn’t relate. In fact, I thought the best part of the book was his wife Lucy’s continuation of the narrative after Paul died.

Having said all this, I am glad to have read this book, but it’s not a book I’m likely to read again.

I recommend this book for those who are interested in the journey of a doctor who becomes patient interlaced with the philosophy of life and death.

Rating: 4.0 stars.