Helena Dixon: Murder at Enderley Hall (Paperback, 2020, Bookouture) 5 stars

Review of 'Murder at Enderley Hall' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

The second book in the series is obviously a follow on to the first book since it references several situations where our heroine, Kitty and her partner-in-solving-crimes Matt encountered.

Thankfully, the author deftly managed to reference those incidents so that I could follow what had happened without feeling that I had to read the first book.

Kitty Underhay discovers that her wayward father has a sister and Kitty has a cousin. Kitty is invited to stay with them at Enderley Hall so that both parties can check each other out and Kitty may be able to find out what happened to her missing mother.

While she was able to get more information about her mother (who had apparently visited Enderley Hall when Kitty was very young) she finds herself in the middle of a mystery of missing papers and several murders. When the secret papers were stolen, she calls to Matt to come and assist the household look for the missing papers.

Of course, you can't have a murder mystery (especially one that takes place between the World Wars) without several murders, and this book has plenty.

This is another book for those of us mystery fans who enjoy Agatha Christie and stories taking place in the thirties.

Highly recommended.