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Vote Like Your Life Depends On It

Did the early voting thing today. As all the attention in the big race turns towards the fall, I encourage everyone in primary states still ahead to get out and vote. Down ballot races are just as, if not more, important. We live in a reasonably safe Blue state, so as far as the presidential primary it doesn’t mean much. Down ballot races on the other hand need just as much attention as the marquee races. 


A new Shelter/National Housing Federation report argues that investing around £12bn on building 90,000 units would see a positive return within 11 years.

Getting people into homes would reduce benefits costs, save the money & more likely see those in proper homes (back) in . It would also, of course, boost employment in construction & associated trades.

The paradox for UK is while a long time horizon is acceptable for , for homes, not so much!

Those of you who weren't around or aware in the 80's need to understand...
Ronald Reagan had increasingly debilitating Alzheimer's for his entire second term. The people around him were able to manipulate him. He was a puppet.
As far as the GOP Is concerned, Trump's brain being mush is an asset, not a liability.
If he wins, they'll manipulate him into appointing evil people, and then those people will manipulate him to achieve their evil goals.

Overheard in the lobby of the place I'm staying:

"I'm not voting. They're both the same. I'm too old to care about this stuff anyway."

Let's unpack that.
Not voting.
Saying Trump and Biden are exactly the same.
Saying they're too old for any consequences to affect them, so who cares?
As troubling as the false equivalence between Biden and Trump is, what's even more worrisome is the notion that this person simply does not care what happens to the generations after them.