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"Nobel Laureate economist Angus Deaton has delivered a ferocious rebuke to his own profession, saying economists have failed to understand that is about ."

"when efficiency comes with upward redistribution — frequently though not inevitably — our recommendations become little more than a license for plunder”


"“We have largely stopped thinking about and about what constitutes human well-being."

Ian Angus’s short book “Emergent Publics” describes how social movements create spaces (literal + metaphorical) within for previously excluded groups to articulate their needs & assert . —the peaceful management of conflict—is advanced by constantly including such groups into decision-making, & is the result of new . Democracy is a dialogue b/w groups, while voting/elections are unintended consequences of movement success (& not the goal of democracy).

Spring brings out many things, and one of these is water. Melting snow from warming days finds its way into the rivers, and in a short amount of time, what is usually a bubbling stream turns into a rushing, raging river -- so powerful that it moves even boulders. Awesome.

Hurricane River art print -- https://2-steve-henderson.pixels.com/featured/hurricane-river-steve-henderson.html

☀️ This is The Way it should always be. ☀️

generates so much rooftop solar (RTS) power that - and -powered generators can't compete on pricing. During peak hours, from privately-owned RTS panels is so plentiful that wholesale prices from regular sources is *negative*. When battery backups are the norm, we can say goodbye to coal!

Rooftop 'cannibalising' as generators pay to stay online

"“Wind and solar are giving us a big enough buffer that even when we have a handful of power plants go offline, it isn’t causing disruptions,” said Dan Cohan...

On Tuesday evening, when demand soared to an all-time high, and farms accounted for about 35% of the state’s supply. And at one point yesterday, wind turbines were generating more across the state than any other source, including plants."

Markatu gabea=hegemonikoa⏬
Being is a enjoyed only by the dominant groups in a coercive . When people start using a word for them too, they're dragged down to the level of the groups whom they oppress. They feel their privilege slipping away, and they react with hostility.

That's how we get crap like " is a slur".