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reviewed The Light Fantastic by Terry Pratchett (Discworld, #2)

Terry Pratchett: The Light Fantastic (Paperback, 1988, Penguin) 4 stars

The Light Fantastic is a comic fantasy novel by Terry Pratchett, the second of the …


5 stars

I love this opening quote:

The sun rose slowly, as if it wasn’t sure it was worth all the effort.

This was a brilliant read. Really enjoyed it.

Where I felt the first one to be perhaps a little disjointed - lots of fun little scenes but maybe a bit less in the way of compelling overall narrative - this one is so much better.

I'm aware that Sir Terry recommended people ignore the first two books in the reading order, and whilst I can see why he may have said that about the first one, this one is very much worth reading.

It's funny, heartwarming, interesting; the main story is compelling and well-paced; there's plenty of sharp observations on humanity. His talent only develops upwards from here, of course, but the improvement between the first and second books is remarkable.

It's also got some incredible punes in it.

@bookstodon@a.gup.pe …

I've shared this image from the canceled 'Mort' Disney film by artist Tealin before, on my old account, and it kinda feels right sharing it again today. The tenderness of this scene just captures the essence of the character of Death in the Discworld novels so perfectly. (More on the project here: https://ko-fi.com/post/Mort-F2F4AFP4C)

Death is definitely one my favourite characters from the books, certainly the most fascinating and complex one. There's a lot to be said about the ingenuity and talent it takes to make the literal embodiment of the Grim Reaper feel so multifaceted, with actual humanity and empathy. A character with a lingering sense of loneliness, because he is not like everyone else, and he doesn't belong with other people but he still cares about them regardless. Who forms a special bond with cats because he longs for companionship, and who grabs the chance to bend …

Nine years today, I actually can't believe it's been so long already.

Thank you Terry Pratchett for your solidly, relatably flawed characters.

Thank you Terry Pratchett for making me laugh every single time no matter how many rereads.

Thank you Terry Pratchett for writing strong women.

Thank you Terry Pratchett for my inability to ever pronounce "pun" correctly.

Thank you Terry Pratchett for teaching me what sort of human I wanted to grow up to be.

Thank you Terry Pratchett for The Hedgehog Song.

Thank you Terry Pratchett for everything, you are very much missed.

"A man is not dead while his name is still spoken"