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Apple must pay 13 billion euros in back taxes, EU’s top court rules

"Europe’s top court ruled against Apple on Tuesday in the tech giant’s 10-year court battle over its tax affairs in Ireland. The case stems back to 2016 when the European Commission ordered Ireland to recover up to 13 billion euros ($14.4 billion) in back taxes from Apple."

Niiiiiiice 😃


"In his decision, de Moraes gave internet service providers and app stores five days to block access to X, and said the platform will remain blocked until it complies with his orders. He also said people or companies who use virtual private networks, or VPNs, to access X will be subject to daily fines of 50,000 reais ($8,900)."

Oooooooh nice 😃


@pluralistic delivers the goods again pulling , , , , , , and together into the best description I've seen of how monopolies are fucking each and every one of us. Every. Single. Day.

With a word to the wise:
"any time a company gives you a hard-sell to order via its apps rather than its storefronts or its website, you should assume you're getting twiddled, hard."


Look, reporters, I'm not going to beg you to cover my , but I'm not above it either.

For the three reporters who have written articles about this, and the one who provided invaluable guidance, my gratitude is endless. This post doesn't apply to you, nor "the feds", the cybersecurity experts, or (including and especially @eff), who were extremely helpful. The rest, however, should take note.

I've willingly laid my neck on a chopping block, unprotected, for over six months.

My outreach has been exhaustive:

• Attempted to engage with over 150 journalists and organizations,
• Coordinated frequently with the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency ( or "the feds"),
• Consulted with numerous cybersecurity experts,
• Sought advice from multiple lawyers,
• Spoke with ten state and state court CISOs,
• Attempted to talk to several …

Reading about the history of river regulation for this week's Rare Earth, and you've got to love the practicality of early English laws:

"A statute... from the 12th century declared that English rivers be kept free of obstructions so that a well-fed three year old pig could stand sideways in the stream"

Our legal analysis from Derek Muller of Notre Dame: "When it came to Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, when you have these messy, contested disputes, should this happen on a state-by-state basis?

The court seemed inclined to think that this is something better left to Congress, rather than states unilaterally interpreting Section 3 on their own."


George Monbiot offers a concise summary of the current state of :

'demands oppression. The more concentrated wealth & power become, the more those who challenge the rich & powerful must be hounded and crushed. In other words, economic inequality is mirrored by inequality before the law. You can dispense with all the other indices of democracy. The best measure of the health of a political system is who gets prosecuted'!


Pay attention to what's happening in this case: the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals just essentially ruled that it's fully legal to jail journalists for reporting leaked information, or any information they obtain from government officials without going through "proper channels."

This is a serious issue for in , and and we should hope the Supreme Court sets things right quickly. https://www.texasobserver.org/priscilla-villarreal-journalist-la-gordiloca-fifth-circuit/ via @TexasObserver