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reviewed Knock! Issue #4 by Éric Nieudan (Knock!, #4)

Éric Nieudan: Knock! Issue #4 (Paperback, englisch language, The Merry Mushmen) 4 stars

Ausgezeichnete neue Ausgabe des vielgelobten Zines

4 stars

Knock! #4 ist eine Rückkehr zur Topform der ersten beiden Nummern, mit einem klaren Fokus auf die modernere Formen des Old School Rollenspiels. Außerdem ist das vierte Knock! ganz klar auch eine Reaktion auf das OGL-Debakel Anfang 2023 - es gibt einiges Material für das freie Creative Commons-lizensierte Crack! Regelwerk der Merry Mushmen, auch sonst geht es viel um den Weg weg von D&D 5E zu anderen Regelwerk und insbesondere (natürlich) zur OSR, so hat bezeichnenderweise auch Shadowdark Autorin Kelsey Dionne einige Zeilen beigesteuert. Insgesamt zeigt sich nach der Ausrichtung der ersten Ausgaben als Sammlung alter, ausgesuchter Juwelen aus den OSR-Blogs eine Tendenz zu eigens für Knock! geschriebene neuen Texten. Die Qualität ist durchweg sehr gut. Für mich sind die interessantes Artikel die kurzen ein- bis zweiseitigen Ideen, Tabellen, Hausregeln und allgemein einfach inspirierenden Gedanken, wie das Spiel sich erweitern, unterhaltsamer und bunter gestalten lässt - kurz: Genau das, was …

T.S. Falk: The Calypso Mystery: A SciFi Adventure (EBook, 2023) 3 stars

For those who love James Rollins, Michael Crichton, and Indiana Jones!

What was meant to …

Another interesting book in the series

3 stars

This was also a good book that merges a bit of scifi with archeology, and it played out well. I found the story predictable but interesting nevertheless. It was a little weird reading this as #5 while it's actually a story that takes place between book #3 and #4, but it's fine if you remember its place.

reviewed Ronin Games by Marion G. Harmon (Wearing the Cape, #5)

Marion G. Harmon: Ronin Games 5 stars

Astra has returned to Chicago and the everyday life of a cape: getting kittens out …

Best book so far

5 stars

After book #4, I had pretty low expectations for this one. But it turned out to be really, really good. I loved it.

In this book, Astra & co go (uninvited) to Japan. Japan's method of dealing with supers is very different from the US, and more than a little affected by manga & anime. All supers are required to required to register with the government and undergo training, and all superhero teams are sponsored by the government. Anyone who doesn't register is called a ronin, and can be arrested on sight. Both heroes and ronin have fan clubs that gleefully dissect every scrap of news media about them, must like like modern idol groups.

(All this isn't just because the goverment feels like it -- the country is regularly besieged by kaiju and other threats. It needs a strong, coordinated defense.)

But Hope's life seems to depend on …

Marion G. Harmon: Small Town Heroes (Paperback) 2 stars

Astra has become one of the most popular Sentinels in Chicago, past scandals notwithstanding, and …

Not really part #4

2 stars

This is book #4 in the series, but it's not the fourth part. Apparently there's a short story, "Omega Night", and it contained both plot and character developments that significantly impact this book. However, even on the official author's website it's not listed between books 3 and 4. It's listed after the final book, among other "related works".

And the author doesn't really do a good job of recapping what happened, it's just an abrupt jump, and now Hope/Astra's angsting over a new crush that started during that book, freaking out over a danger to one of her friends that's due to events in that book, and a number of other sudden changes.

And these changes continue to casually come up over the course of the entire book, so that put a serious damper on my enjoyment of it.

Beyond that, the premise/setting was unique and somewhat interesting, but a …