Bi: The Hidden Culture, History, and Science of Bisexuality

English language

Published Nov. 7, 2022

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4 stars (3 reviews)

1 edition

For newcomers to bisexual history & politics

4 stars

Julia Shaw provides a good, high-level summary of many of the current challenges surrounding bisexuality, both in face of the majority heterosexual society as well as amongst queer culture due to "monosexual privilege". I'm not sure that the book is necessary what I'd have wanted or expected – as a lot of it mirror's Shiri Eisner's points already made in "Bi: notes for a bisexual revolution" (which I would recommend both for the political stance it takes as well as the contributions to queer studies).

At the same time, I do appreciate the efforts in making the topic accessible to a potentially broader audience and the points haven't lost their relevance at all (and are something I personally still struggle with in the form of "bisexual impostor syndrome").

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In short - meh. Somehow despite all the research cited I feel like I didn't learn anything new. Except for maybe the Klein Sexual Attraction Grid. Nor do I feel like I have solidified my knowledge on these topics. Strangely, I kept feeling like I disagree with the authors interpretation, and I kept having to remind myself that my experience of being bi is just anecdotal experience. Still, my experience did not identify with what's described in this book.

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