Kushiel's Dart

1015 pages

English language

Published Aug. 6, 2003 by Tor.

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3 stars (5 reviews)

2 editions

Review of "Kushiel's Dart (Phèdre's Trilogy, #1)" on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Labeling this book as fantasy doesn't feel quite right. The setting is an alternative Europe, with a different take on Christianity. In this setting Jesus, erm, I mean Yeshua, had a child born by Magdalene from his blood, Elua. Said Elua was rejected by God, and travelled all over the world with his companions to find a home. They eventually ended up in France. Or Terre D'Ange as it's called in Kushiel's Dart.

The main protagonist of Kushiel's Dart is Phedre, a girl sold off to one of the Thirteen Houses as a child. The Thirteen Houses are basically sophisticated whorehouses where courtesans ply their trade. Phedre cannot officially join the house as she has a red speck in her eye, apparently marked by the devil. But she gets bought by a nobleman who calls the red mote Kushiel's Dart, which marks her as 'anguissette', a woman who enjoys pain. …

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