Book of Doors

A Novel

English language

Published March 17, 2024 by HarperCollins Publishers.

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5 stars (1 review)

5 editions

An exciting story set in a world of magical books.

5 stars

A wonderful debut novel involving magical books that turn into a time travel story as the implications of using one particular book are spelled out, but involves a truly evil personality that destroys people in gruesome ways that even I found uncomfortable.

At the start of the story, Cassie, who works in a bookshop, finds one of her customers has died and left her a special book: the Book of Doors. While showing it to her roommate, Izzy, she discovers its power: imagine a place, and it will be behind the door she opens. They use it to have adventures in far off places, but Izzy is uncomfortable and thinks they should stop using it.

They then encounter the librarian, Fox, who urges them to run when they meet an enemy who is after Fox: Fox keeps other magical books in a library and wants to protect the books from …