The Keeper of Secrets: A SciFi Adventure

The Ancient Secrets Book 6

eBook, 235 pages

Published Aug. 22, 2023

4 stars (1 review)

For those who love Dan Brown, Michael Crichton, and Indiana Jones!

Elliot Brand wanted to stay away from adventures for a while and actually enjoy his academic pursuits and the rekindled relationship with Ashra Shah. What would be better to do so than a romantic trip to Syracuse?

But soon the mystery of a dead colleague, an old notebook, and a group of vicious assassins dressed as priests force him back into action. With Ashra at his side, he tries to uncover an ancient mystery and the conspiracy trying to keep it hidden. A quest that leads right into the capital of secrets.The Vatican itself.

Book 6 of The Ancient Secrets Series!

1 edition

Another great story, maybe the end?

4 stars

I liked this story the most of the last three I read though it leaves me wondering if this is the end. I kind-of want a little more even though this story line is likely used up. It's full of the usual plot, characters, and obstacles but is surprising the way it involves "The Church" in the whole story. I definitely recommend this but read the series in total - don't start at the end!