Interzone #274 (March-April 2018)


English language

Published March 14, 2018 by TTA Press.

3 stars (1 review)

1 edition

An average issue of Interzone.

3 stars

An average issue, with interesting stories by Antony Johnston, Michael Reid and Alexandra Renwick.

  • "Beautiful Quiet of the Roaring Freeway" by James Sallis: a couple take a ride in a car with a driver in this future where other cars have a difference

  • "Soul Music" by Antony Johnston: on a colony world isolated when their wormhole collapsed, an artist is offered a guitar by her ex-abusive boyfriend. Little does she know the contents of the guitar would become the centrepiece of her next artistic show in the colony that is trying to live day-by-day while waiting for the wormhole to be re-established (if ever).

  • "Schrödinger's" by Julie C. Day: set in California in a future where an unrest is gradually creeping closer to town, a group of girls finances the operations of a scientist who provides them with a quantum device that makes their exotic dance operations a draw: in …