Asimov's Science Fiction, March/April 2019


English language

Published Feb. 18, 2019 by Dell Magazines.

3 stars (1 review)

1 edition

A special memorial issue of Asimov's, celebrating Gardner Dozois

3 stars

A special memorial issue celebrating the recently departed Gardner Dozois, this issue contains some interesting stories, including a memorable one by Gardner Dozois and others by Greg Egan, Lawrence Watt-Evans, Zhao Haihong, Kofi Nyameye and Allen M. Steele.

  • "The Peacemaker" by Gardner Dozois: a thoughtful and disturbing tale set in a future where the seas have risen relentlessly and fast. On a farm run by a cultist religious leader, a boy who saw the seas start to rise is shown preparing for a task throughout the story. This task is apparently deeply contentious and opposed by the wider community. Yet, with the world apparently going to end and a desire to return to the 'old ways', the boy has agreed to the task and believes, up to the end of the story, that it is the way to make peace with the rising seas.

  • "Instantiation" by Greg Egan: an interesting …