If at First You Don't Succeed, Try, Try Again



English language

Published Nov. 28, 2018 by B&N SFF Originals.

4 stars (1 review)

Winner of the 2019 Hugo Award for Best Novelette. A hapless imugi is determined to attain the form of a full-fledged dragon and gain entry to the gates of heaven. For a long time, things don’t go well. Then, it meets a girl.

1 edition

A nice, fantasy tale on not giving up.

4 stars

An interesting story about an imugi, an earth-bound creature who makes several attempts to ascend to heaven and become a dragon. But it is always bought back to earth by humans who see it and proclaim it to be an imugi, not a dragon.

When its latest attempt is thwarted by a selfie taking woman, the imugi decides enough is enough and sets out to find the woman and devour her. But at the last moment, the imugi, disguised as a heavenly angel, becomes fascinated by the woman instead and strikes up a long term relationship with her. As time passes, it begins to forget it is an imugi and deepens their relationship.

But in the end, it reveals its true self to her, and she urges it to try to become a dragon one last time.