Saving Ellipsis

English language

Published Aug. 1, 2023 by Rivka Publishing.

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In Ellipsis, a small and quiet town lying quite literally between the lines of a manuscript, life revolves around the Text. Every day, letters and punctuation marks are scrubbed, polished, and patched up to preserve the words the Author wrote – and abandoned – many years ago.

Unlike her fellow townspeople and their passion for all things literature, Prosperina Dash has embraced a career as a florist. But when she discovers a dead body at her shop and the foundations of Ellipsis start crumbling away for no apparent reason, she sets off to The Capital in a desperate attempt to save her town from collapsing.

Together with a Text-diving champion, a snobbish man who Capitalises Every Word, and a cufflink-eating flower, Prosperina finds herself entangled in a web of long-held secrets with an unknown killer in the centre of it.

1 edition

A fun book for lovers of books that plays with layouts, grammar, and a unique world to build a fun mystery.

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I didn't know what to expect when going into this book, and I found myself surprised to find the illustrations drop a corpse literally into the text. Turns out, the book plays with layout a lot - not just illustrations, but text as well. As a book about books, it has a very meta playful self-awareness, and I especially liked all the interesting ways the layout and formatting were used to tell the story. A series of grammatical jokes and a few friendly jabs at every writer's first (iffy) attempts cap this off as a book definitely aimed at fans of books. The two leads are fun enough, but the standout character winds up being an enthusiastic and hungry flower named Eloise, who I adored in every scene. World building is unique and fairly vast, and can run a little long at times just to get all the names and …