
708 pages

English language

Published March 20, 2005 by Orion.

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2 stars (1 review)

July 1909: in Carcassonne a sixteen-year-old girl is given a book by her father which he claims contains the secret of the true Grail. Although Alais cannot understand the strange words and symbols, she knows that her destiny lies in keeping the secret of the labyrinth safe. July 2005: Alice Tanner stumbles upon two skeletons during an archaeological dig in the mountains outside Carcassonne. Inside the hidden tomb, she experiences an overwhelming sense of malevolence, as well as a creeping realisation that she can somehow understand the mysterious ancient words carved into the rock. Too late Alice realises she's set in motion a terrifying sequence of events.

5 editions

Review of 'Labyrinth' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

There's a lot to dislike about this book. The unnecessary, unbelievable characters, muddying everything up. The last-minute flurry of exposition. Not to mention Mosse's irritating narrative tics (how many characters can we reasonably believe can/should be knocked out over the course of a 600-something page novel? Do French people actually say everything twice, once in French and again in English?). Certainly, it's more literary than Dan Brown, but this sometimes works against the novel. Mosse is clearly aiming for a fast-paced thriller at certain points, but then gets bogged down in description, parading the amount of research she clearly did. On the one hand, I really do feel like this would have been a better, more exciting book if she'd toned down the literary aspirations. On the other hand, it's perfectly satisfactory holiday reading.