James Potter and the Curse of the Gatekeeper

, #2

Ebook, 459 pages

Published Sept. 1, 2008

4 stars (1 review)

A summer of change brings James Sirius Potter back to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry with a new perspective. Confident that last year's adventures are well behind him, James prepares for the more prosaic challenges of schoolwork, trying-out for the Quidditch team, and keeping an eye on his brother Albus and cousin Rose.

A new year brings a new adventure, however, beginning with some increasingly worrisome questions about the new headmaster, Merlinus Ambrosius, whose long trek outside of time may have attracted the attention of a horrible entity known to legend as "the Gatekeeper".

Determined to prove Merlin's trustworthiness, James finds himself lost in a deepening web of intrigue, deception and secrets that stretches all the way back to the time of the founders.

With the Gatekeeper looming, preparing its prophesied human host for a final reign of doom, James, Rose and Ralph forge unexpected allies in a last-ditch …

1 edition

Review of 'James Potter and the Curse of the Gatekeeper' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Another enjoyable instalment from G. Norman Lippert. James Potter is in his 2nd year and is joined by his brother & cousin, whilst a new adventure waits for him.

The formatting problem that plagued the previous book (different peoples speech lumped together) only popped up once in this volume, making for a smoother read.

I had figured out the 'protagonist' about halfway through. Which meant I spent a lot of my reading time mentally screaming at James, "No! it's xxxxx!)

I did have one major question at the very end. What were the 3 words that James wrote down after his dream? They didn't seem to be mentioned when all the loose ends were being tied up, yet they seemed important enough to give Scorpious a sleepless night. Did I miss a clue, or are they revealed in the next book? An enquiring Ravenclaw mind wants to know.

Anyway, overall …