Mort en lisière

French language

Published Nov. 17, 1970

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4 stars (1 review)

Wilderness Tips is a collection of short stories by Margaret Atwood, published in 1991 by McClelland and Stewart. It was a finalist for the Governor General's Award. Certain stories were previously published in The New Yorker, Saturday Night, Playboy, Harper's and Vogue.Several of the stories are fictionalized portrayals of Atwood's contemporaries in Canadian literature. The mysterious poet Selena in "Isis in Darkness" is based on Gwendolyn MacEwen, and the journalist Marcia in "Hack Wednesday" is based on June Callwood. One story, "Uncles", prompted a feud between Atwood and Robert Fulford, who claimed to have been the model for the character Percy Marrow, described in the story as a "peeled potato with a little tuft of fuzz on top".

2 editions

Well worth picking up

4 stars

I've enjoyed several Margaret Atwood novels over the years, but didn't realise she had also published short story collections until I spotted this one at a charity book sale. It was only a Euro and is even signed! Then ten stories are, as I would expect from Atwood, wonderfully well written and I enjoyed reading them all. Often I find short story collections to be a bit hit and miss, but that was absolutely not true in this case. Now, a couple of days after finishing the book, that I have come to write this review however, I realise that I can't actually remember all the stories individually. Instead, a couple of the storylines are memorable - particularly and the title story, Wilderness Tips - whereas the others have already receded to snapshot moments and images. Don't let that discourage you though - this one is well worth picking up!