The Cup and the Prince

Paperback, 258 pages

Published Sept. 1, 2020 by Sparkly Wave.

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2 stars (1 review)

2 editions

Review of 'The Cup and the Prince' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

I had high hopes for The Cup and The Prince. Firstly, let's be honest the cover art is beautiful and secondly, there's the synopsis which was interesting and I had thought from reading it I would be hooked from the first page. However, those high hopes were gradually dashed as I read page after page and wished I hadn't begun it in the first place.

I'm stubborn when it comes to reading but I was tempted even at around 2 percent of the book, not to finish.

The characters feel one dimensional, and whilst Zora as the main character is good in her role of storyteller. She is determined in her need to be more than what her role in life is as a female but even that at times felt more like a teenage tantrum and a knee jerk reaction to circumstance. I wanted more depth, more history to …