Allison Brennan

Author details

Sept. 29, 1969

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Allison Brennan was born on 29th September 1969 in Elk Grove, California, USA. In 1987, she graduated at Menlo School in Atherton, California. She attended the college at UC Santa Cruz from 1987 to 1989.

An only child, she entertained herself on rainy days by both reading and making up her own stories. Thinking she had to have a "real" job after dropping out of college, Allison worked in the California State Legislature as a consultant, married Dan Brennan in 1993, and they subsequently had five children and made their home outside Sacramento.

But Allison never stopped writing. In fact, she began over 100 books that she never finished. After turning 30, then giving birth to her third child, Allison decided to actively pursue a career in writing. Committing herself to write a book from beginning to end, she wrote five complete novels before selling The Prey in 2004. Two years later it was released and nudged the New York Times list at #33. The first four manuscripts have been destroyed and will never see the light of day.

With her first book Allison's publisher asked if she could write two books connected in some way to The Prey. Since …

Books by Allison Brennan