universetheapartment reviewed The Lost Metal by Brandon Sanderson (The Mistborn Saga, #7)
I want more and shall never have
5 stars
It was bittersweet knowing this was the final era 2 book. I could watch an entire cowboy detective radium era pulp novel tv series with these characters, but all good things must end. A contemplative exploration of these characters set against a possible world ending catastrophe on what it means to move on and challenge yourself. This isnt what i wanted because (feeling a bit like this book is sacrificed on the greater cosmere plan instead of a story on their own terms, but it was a given) i didnt want it to end, but a fantastic what felt like a quick short read. Brandons prose is always his weak point, i dont think "with prejudice" means that, but the opposite, and a couple other inappropriate-in-universe "our world" words for convenience sake, but it doesnt distract. Worthwhile. start at least at "alloy of law" if not back at "mistborn the final empire" for the whole epic tale.