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Paul Locked account

Joined 1 year, 10 months ago

Hey, I'm Paul. I'll probably mostly read german books though.

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Paul has read 0 of 12 books.

Salman Rushdie: Victory City (2023, Random House Publishing Group) 4 stars

A 247-year-old demi-god chronicles the birth and death of Bisnaga, a city she created and …

Haleya Kote heard more than once the story of the heroic protester who dared to stand alone at the heart of the bazaar distributing pamphlets. When the DAS squad arrived to arrest him they found that the sheets of paper he was distributing were blank. No text was written on them, there were no drawings or coded symbols, nothing at all. Somehow this blankness angered the DAS team even more than slogans or cartoons would have. "What does this mean?" they demanded. "Why isn't there any message written here?" "There's no need," the protester replied. "Everything is clear."

Victory City by  (Page 151)

Salman Rushdie: Victory City (2023, Random House Publishing Group) 4 stars

A 247-year-old demi-god chronicles the birth and death of Bisnaga, a city she created and …

[..]. the people in the new streets, and in the army camp beyond, were behaving peculiarly, as if they, too had been driven a little crazy by their incomprehension of their own existence, and were incapable of dealing with the fact of having been brought into being out out of nowhere. There was a good deal of shouting, and of crying, and some of the people were rolling on the ground and kicking their legs in the air, punching the air as if to say, "Where am I, let me out of here".

Victory City by  (Page 21)

This reminds me of how the experience of the crow people was described in "Radical Hope" by Jonathan Lear after being forced to move into a reservation where there previous life was impossible.

Jonathan Lear: Radikale Hoffnung (Hardcover, Deutsch language, 2019, Suhrkamp) 5 stars

Kurz vor seinem Tod erzählte Plenty Coups, der letzte große Häuptling der Crow, seine Geschichte …

Interessantes Buch über Kultur und deren Zerstörung und der Umgang damit

5 stars

Das Buch handelt von der Zerstörung der Kultur der Crow Indianer. Wobei deren Verständnis der Welt und des Lebens komplett zerstört wurde.

In meinem Kopf hängen geblieben ist der Satz "Ich lebe ein Leben das ich nicht verstehe" von einem Crow, die das verschwinden der Büffelherden und den Umzug ins Reservat erlebt hat.

Becky Chambers: A Psalm for the Wild-Built 5 stars

It's been centuries since the robots of Panga gained self-awareness and laid down their tools; …

Dex couldn't easily define what they felt as they looked at the place. On the one hand, sustainable dwellings like this were the progenitors of the buildings people lived in now, and it was important to remember that such places had existed pre-Transition. not everything in the Factory Age burned oil. There had been those who had seen the writing on the wall, who had made places such as this to serve as an example of what could be.

A Psalm for the Wild-Built by  (Page 128)

I felt like this was an invitation to do something like that