Lucy Knisley: French Milk (2008) 2 stars

Review of 'French Milk' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

First thing's first, the drawings are just so CHARMING. It's nothing too groundbreaking or outstanding but they are wonderful to look at. There's definitely talent there.

Although, when I first picked up the book, I didn't think it would be "just a travel diary." The description made it to be seem more than that. I was hoping for it to be a "self realization, coming of age, transitioning into the adult world" trip but it was more of a "let's go have fun and take pictures" kind of trip. If you go in with those expectations, you'll be disappointed. I know I was! And this is mostly where the book fell short.

Not that I didn't enjoy the cute pictures of food and naked statues, but it was all lack substance. It doesn't seem like it was originally supposed to be published. I'm almost inclined to say it should have stayed that way.

Lastly, I think Lucy Knisley is an absolute doll. Just absolutely adorable. She's so extremely pretty, and I'm pretty sure I was gushing over her for most of the graphic novel. She feels familiar and warm and so god damn hipster (I looked at her website and she sings too, in that raspy hipster way with ukuleles... I'm still not sure if this is a compliment). Hopefully more of her recent works go up in quality because I'd still really like to read more from her.