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Joined 1 year, 5 months ago

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Carmela's books

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Carmela has read 0 of 20 books.

Rainer Maria Rilke: Letters to a young poet (2002) 5 stars

Letters to a Young Poet (original title, in German: Briefe an einen jungen Dichter) is …

Letters to a Young Poet

5 stars

Books, novels, essays, poems of writers are great and all. But reading letters they wrote for friends and family give a deeper glimpse in to their minds and their hearts. This book made me feel like I have Rilke as my own mentor. It contains probably some of the most well-written lessons about art and life.

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Susanna Clarke: Piranesi (2020, Bloomsbury Publishing Plc) 5 stars

Piranesi's house is no ordinary building; its rooms are infinite, its corridors endless, its walls …

Perfectly Crafted... Fantasy Novel? Oneiric Mystery?

5 stars

It's hard to overstate how much this book feels written specifically for me - I love books with any sort of physically improbable gigantic building, fantasy books where people enter other worlds, academic thrillers, etc - and Piranesi nails the blend perfectly. A sheer delight with an extremely thoughtful denouement.