
"A resident of one of LA's toughest neighborhoods uses his blistering intellect to solve the …

Review of 'IQ' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

DNF at 46%

So much potential but the head hopping and the ease at which everything seemed to fall into place for Isaiah made getting immersed in the story impossible. I finally had enough after the visit to and confrontation with the assassin. It took me well beyond my ability to suspend disbelief and I found myself shaking my head and not wanting to spend any more time on the book.

I'm giving it two stars because the I liked the story the author was trying to tell me, even though I didn't like the execution very much, and the narrator was great. I want to find other things he's done.

I did receive an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley but waited so long to read it that I was able to listen to the audio book version. The narrator is fantastic. He was the biggest bright spot in the experience.