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“President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.’s housing chief said that some poor Filipinos cannot afford the government’s low-cost housing program because they are lazy. Secretary Jerry Acuzar made the comment about the supposed laziness during House deliberations on his agency’s proposed 2024 budget, when Makabayan lawmakers told him that Filipinos could not afford the monthly amortization for government housing even with government subsidy.”


"For decades, Farris — a conservative Christian lawyer who is the most influential leader of the modern home-schooling movement — had toiled at the margins of American . His arguments about the harms of public education... had left many unconvinced.

Now, speaking on a confidential conference call to a secretive group of millionaires seeking, in the words of one member, to “take down the system as we know it today,”

Content warning Elon/Trump

Ken Paxton stood accused of violating various laws and abusing his power well before his first term as attorney general began in 2015. It took eight years for the House of Representatives to finally decide Texans needed protection from him.

Guest-writing our regular Political Intelligence column, Senior Reporter and Editor Lise Olsen takes us inside the upcoming circus in the lege:


‘If you really can't figure out which political party or which politician to vote for, just ask if they're on the side of libraries.

Are they voting to fund their libraries?
Are they voting to keep them free?

Then vote for those guys.
They're probably the good guys.

And by the same token, the book burners, the book banners, they're probably the bad guys.’




I sometimes forget that the far right is an anti enlightenment movement.

Perhaps it's my decades of being submerged in the ivory tower of the university or maybe it's just a love of logic and enlightenment principals. I don't know.

But I'm realizing what I find persuasive--evidence that's based on reason--not only fails to persuade the anti-enlightenment crowd, but actually incenses them. They hate reason the way vampires hate sunlight.