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10 symptoms of the woke mind virus:

1. You read books, and don't burn them.
2. You embrace science.
3. You are willing to change your mind when new information becomes available.
4. You understand that most issues aren't black and white.
5. You believe in true equality for all people.
6. You like to share.
7. You embrace cooperation.
8. You respect others' rights.
9. You believe culture and the arts has value.
10. You care for the planet and all of its life.

(Reposted as text instead of as an uncaptioned picture.)

Check this out...

Want a great source of US political news on Mastodon?

US Politics in Real Time @uspolitics is a super useful curated account produced by Pell @pell, who describes themselves as "just another programmer."

@uspolitics provides summaries with links to a wide array of US political news stories from around the web.
 "Priority topics: Climate, Labor, Economy, Fascism, LGBT+, Internet regulation."

Because older generations tend to be more conservative than younger generations, it looks like people get more conservative with age.

This is, thankfully, untrue.

People get more progressive with age.

It's just that previous generations get a little left behind. The jump between generations is bigger than the progress that happens within people, giving the illusion that older people become more conservative.

Some good news for once. 😊


Our capitalist rulers, and the politicians they own, are playing the long game. Since the 1950s they have been working steadily to shift the Overton window, to reduce the influence of labor unions, to boost consumerism, and to concentrate wealth and power in the hands of a few.

A large part of that strategy involves privatizing services that used to be (and should be) public.

They're playing the long game, and they are winning — much to the detriment of you and me and the environment we live in.

Every Internet Child Protection bill:

1:"New child safety bill!!"

2: "Wow great! What's in it?"

1: "Well, you have to give your social security number, a picture of the weakest part of your skull, and your home address to Hammers The Clown. You also have to download COVID 19 into your eyeball once per month."

2:"What that sounds terrible what does that have to do with--"