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This is fascinating basic research with amazing implications (if it works out down the road, which is a big if):

Quantum physicists are bringing their atomic tools to cellular , raising the prospect that precise application of magnetic fields could manipulate processes inside individual living cells


[EN] Queerying Nature is a new doc which intertwines the words of biologists along with those of artists like me to explode the idea of a sexual or gender norm: https://gwennseemel.com/blog/2023/0427-queerying-nature/

[FR] Queerying Nature est un nouveau documentaire qui mêle les mots de biologistes à ceux d'artistes comme moi pour faire exploser l'idée d'une norme sexuelle ou de genre: https://gwennseemel.com/fr/blog/2023/0427-queerying-nature/

I came to Mastodon in ‘22 but I’ve come to like it! Since it is customary to toot an , this is mine. I came here as part of the .

Professionally I’m involved in and .

Recreationally I’m interested in & . I’m big into the and . I enjoy & . I am owned by my . I’m a member of the community. I hope to continue to be a happy citizen here!