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PayPal is updating their Terms of Service to automatically give merchants access to your data starting in November and they've already opted you into it.

The EU has better privacy laws than North America, so if you're there you won't even have these settings.


Go to Settings > Data & Privacy > PayPal Shopping and toggle it to off.


Seriously though, take a minute trying to grasp how rich a company like Facebook (Meta) really is. Think, truly think, about how much money it makes every year.

Now, think about HOW it makes this money:
Does it sell a lot of expensive cars? No.
Does it sell computers around the world? No.
Does it sell oil? Nope.

It. Sells. YOU.

And how much do YOU get in exchange for producing these billions of dollars for it each year?

Just your friendly reminder that anything created or owned by a corporation will eventually consume everything its users love—and eventually itself—in the name of "growth".

Nothing, and no one, is safe from the cancerous embrace of late-stage capitalism.

However, there is hope...if we act.

The Fediverse is proof we don't need to accept the enshittification of our social media.

Open access and open source communities are proof we can stand on each other's shoulders to build a better solution.

These are a great start, but we need to treat capitalism like the disease it is, and actively fight it off.

So...block those ads, circumvent those paywalls, pirate that shit, pollute your data, and cut out whatever rotten tendrils of corporate greed you can from your life.

Capitalism can't survive if we stop feeding it.

We'll need to support each other when it lashes out—and it'll scream, …

Hello, Fediverse! We're Kagi, and we're on a mission to create a friendlier, more human-centric internet that has the users' best interest in mind.

Our core product is a search engine that is ad-free, tracking-free, and fully supported by our users. We've worked hard to deliver a high-quality, fast, and reliable search experience without compromising user privacy: https://kagi.com/

Excited to engage with the community here.

Microsoft has confirmed that Windows 11 users will not be able to uninstall the controversial “Recall” feature, despite earlier reports suggesting otherwise. Recall, part of the Copilot+ suite announced in May, automatically captures screenshots of user activity on the operating system including sensitive information such as passwords or financial data https://digitalmarketreports.com/news/25091/microsoft-recall-feature-on-windows-11-not-removable-after-all/ Do yourself a favor and get rid of Windows from your life—enough of these greedy companies.

Great interview with @Mer__edith in @WIRED from @agreenberg talking @signalapp, , and

"Signal is a nonprofit because a for-profit structure leads to a scenario where one of my board members goes to Davos, talks to some guy, comes back excitedly telling me we need an AI strategy for profit. Or another one of my board members comes in, gets really nervous that our revenue model, whatever it is, isn’t bringing in something that meets our goals and says, “Well, maybe we can start collecting metadata. Maybe we can reduce the focus on privacy, because of course our primary objective function, as a traditional for-profit, is revenue and growth.” And privacy in an economy powered by surveillance will necessarily hamper those."
