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Hey, law-stodon & therapsids, I have a question I may need a lawyer to answer, but I don't know what kind or how to find them. I am okay with paying money for the answer, if only I could figure out whom to offer it to.

The question is this: I am a therapist (LMHC) in Massachusetts. My nice malpractice insurance company offers a package deal where they throw in general liability coverage too. This was a splendid idea when I had a physical office and was exposed to the risk of - canonical example - somebody slipping and falling on the front step and suing me over it. But now I am wholly practicing by telehealth. I don't have a front step to slip and fall on. Do I even *have* any general liability to cover any more??? (The GL policy doesn't cover Bad Internet Things like data compromise …

The absolute craziest set of events that will be my nightmare fuel for the weekend.

1. Attorney files brief using case law made up by .

2. Attorney files copies of those cases, apparently written by ChatGPT, and swears to their veracity.

3. Attorney of record then says that all work was actually done by an unadmitted attorney in the office.

4. That shadow attorney also notarized that first affidavit.

Don't drink and , kids.


Just finished @stevevladeck ‘s book “The Shadow Docket: How the Supreme Court Uses Stealth Rulings to Amass Power and Undermine the Republic.” Absolutely an outstanding read about a part of the that has huge implications but few people, including lawyers, see and understand.

It is an informative and accessible read for non-lawyers and lawyers alike. And it is a crucial book for those who want to understand the present Court’s legitimacy crisis and its impact on American and . I cannot recommend it enough.


The enforcement of copyright law is really simple.

If you were a kid who used Napster in the early 2000s to download the latest album by The Offspring or Destiny's Child, because you couldn't afford the CD, then you need to go to court! And potentially face criminal sanctions or punitive damages to the RIAA for each song you download, because you're an evil pirate! You wouldn't steal a car! Creators must be paid!

If you created educational videos on YouTube in the 2010s, and featured a video or audio clip, then even if it's fair use, and even if it's used to make a legitimate point, you're getting demonetised. That's assuming your videos don't disappear or get shadow banned or your account isn't shut entirely. Oh, and good luck finding your way through YouTube's convoluted DMCA process! All creators are equal in deserving pay, but some are more equal …

Years of legal work & advocacy later, Lyft & Uber drivers are *still* refusing rides to blind customers with service animals and the companies are *still* maintaining it's not really their responsibility—this time the blind rider just happened to be a senior judge in DC, so the Washington Post picked up the story: "A federal judge was refused a Lyft ride with his guide dog. He’s not alone."


[Note: This issue is not limited to the US tho laws differ.]