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interview via https://journa.host/@NatalieDavis/110769821650598847

"....they had a thing called Time on Task. Basically, they had a quota they had to meet every day, but Amazon is not required to tell them what that quota was. So at the end of the day, they would tell you whether or not you made it and you can’t see it so you don’t know if they’re pulling numbers out of their ass. You don’t know where this is coming from. And they can use it as a reason to get rid of you."


I’m teaching a class on representations of & leisure. I got some good ones already (esp pre-1950s), but please share titles if you have favorite late 20th c short stories or poems that fit the bill. It’s for first-year college students, so longer works or otherwise very challenging reads aren’t going to work for assignments, but i will put stuff on a bibliography of supplementary/future reading! (& i’m full-up on films & songs)