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Falling In Love With Fallout (Amazon Prime)

📹 https://youtu.be/V-mugKDQDlg

If I were to sum up
Fallout on Amazon Prime it would be this quote by the character Maximus:

_Everyone wants to save the world, they just…they disagree on how._

I just finished binge-watching the entire season (which Amazon thankfully uploaded all at once) I can say this whole show was a horrific feast for the eyes.

Fallout is a show that mixes humor with gore, while some of the science fiction themes are more fantasy than science, it faithfully remains within the genre as it explores an apocalyptic alternative future history of humanity that is not kind to those without power.

I enjoyed following the adventures of all three protagonists from the show as they were each unique:

- Maximus: is a very conflicted character with something to prove to the world
Lucy: is an optimistic, albeit …

Just finished rereading Roger Zelazny's Amber books (still have the last short story to go). Read it many years ago, but recently bought the ebooks (sometimes at midnight--need next book!) Still love them--all ten. It is clear from the ending of Prince of Chaos, and from the short stories, that he had more books planned, but he died a couple decades ago, at the age of 58, and so we do not have them.

I morn the books we didn't get, but would not have wanted to hear someone else's voice in my head, telling those stories. Gone too soon.