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reviewed Wires and Nerve by Marissa Meyer (The Lunar Chronicles series, #1)

Douglas Holgate, Marissa Meyer: Wires and Nerve (2017) 4 stars

Reasonably entertaining

4 stars

Apparently, looking at the backside of the book and the prices and accolades, the Lunar Chronicles series are (or were?) a thing. Before finding this #GraphicNovel in our public library, I had not heard about it. But it could be that I'm not necessarily the audience aimed for.

This graphic novel apparently takes place after the happenings in the original five books. It's told from the perspective of an android, although not entirely consistently. In short, it's about - what they call - wolf-hybrid soldiers threatening peace on earth, and between the moon and earth, this aforementioned android going after them, and a subset of these soldiers then going after her friends (the main characters of the first five books).

Not a big fan on the graphic art. A lot looks the same, like the characters. The monochrome style probably doesn't help either. Although a style like that can add …

I found myself in need of an English edition of Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tales, so I picked up a British Library reprint of Hersholt’s translation (often considered the standard English edition). I was not expecting what arrived in the post: a single 7" × 10" volume, xxix + 948 pp. 43 different illustrators, including all the greats; illustrated throughout, both in colour and black & white. Book design and (lavender) binding by The Folio Society. It's a bit unwieldy, but very pretty.
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