
See tagged statuses in the local bookrastinating.com community

hey okay so ive been lately feeling a drought or lack of friends in the nearby area, and i am still too spoonless to go meet irl in the wild; feel free to boost this

if you're in NL (hi utrecht area here) and into pokemon/generally nintendo stuff (my current obsession) please hit me up? just looking for local frens to talk to about stuff

i shouldnt have to say id rather want other adults around, but this is fedi

tags for reach lol i forgor: #pokemon #nintendo #netherlands #nederland #videoGames

FUCKING FINALLY. Jesus Christ, this level had NO BUSINESS being this difficult. I spent over 2 hours on this, and even after I was given a hint it took me near another hour. Hooooooly.

Ok. Vent over.

On a lighter, more exciting note... I DID MY FIRST EVER TWITCH STREAM, AND IT WAS A BLAST!!!! I'm so glad I took the courage to do it!
Thanks again @alphonzs for watching and helping me solve the puzzle!

Follow me at www.twitch.tv/omrplus so you don't miss my next !

replied to bm's status

Content warning thread 28/Emerald Rogue: yet another great ROM hack hidden away on Discord