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Hey admins 👋

Are you seeing posts in Federated have no connection to anyone on your instance or anyone they follow?

It happened to me recently and the root cause turned out to be accounts that were following me. I wasn't following them or interacting with them, but they were somehow able to push irrelevant content to my instance, not just from Streams but all over the Fediverse.

When I suspended the Streams instances, all of the unexplained content stopped.

Hah, I wanted to share this article from It's FOSS News on here but don't want to cause the issue they describe in it, so I won't link to it directly.

They only mention in this article, but would this not be a wider issue on most platforms?

Here's the link broken up:
https:// news.itsfoss .com/mastodon-link-problem/

Well that sucks.


> The EDPS pilot project of EU Voice and EU Video has proved that public bodies, like EUIs, can offer social media platforms that respect individuals’ fundamental rights

> Unfortunately, despite our efforts to find a new home for EU Voice and EU Video in other EUIs, we have been unable to secure new ownership to maintain the servers and sustain operations at the high standards that EUIs and our users deserve