Daughter of Xanadu

Published March 16, 2012 by Random House.

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4 stars (1 review)

Emmajin, the sixteen-year-old eldest granddaughter of Khublai Khan, becomes a warrior and falls in love with explorer Marco Polo in thirteenth-century China.

2 editions

Review of 'Daughter of Xanadu' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

As soon as I started this book, I couldn't stop reading it! I stayed up reading this book until one last night and only stopped when I found myself drifting off.

I love historical fiction and the thought of playing with history (my love for Assassin's Creed is evident of that where in the AC universe, Marco Polo is an assassin and his father's journals helps the protagonist on one of his many quests). The time period and the setting was extremely interesting to me. How funny it is that the Mongolians, people whom we usually regard as barbaric, found the "civilized" Italians to be equally as barbaric!

I really did love the story. Marco Polo was charming as Edward Cullen is to pre-teen vampire loving girls. Although, I couldn't help but gripe a little bit at the fact that Emmajin tried to mask her true intentions with a political …