Information Doesn't Want to Be Free

English language

Published Nov. 24, 2015

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Information Doesn't Want to Be Free is a 2014 non-fiction book by the science fiction writer and Internet activist Cory Doctorow. In the book, he advocates loosening restrictions on intellectual property on the Internet. He states that "[i]nformation doesn’t want to be free...people do.”Doctorow disagrees with claims by creators and creative industry representatives that downloading and streaming of content online (e.g., songs) is hurting creators and creative industries. Doctorow argues that a "free and open digital culture" provides a net benefit to society. Movie and music industries have tried to stop online pirated sharing of their content. Similarly, book authors have tried to prevent their texts from being made available on the Internet. Doctorow argues that an open Internet is like a musician or street performer busking on the street. If people passing by enjoy the performance, they put money in the hat. Yes, some people will listen and then …

2 editions