Tales From the Magician’s Skull Special No. 2

All-New Sword & Sorcery Fiction , #2

english language

Published Oct. 15, 2022 by Goodman Publications, Goodman Games.

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Welcome to this, the second special issue of the Skull’s favorite magazine. What, you may ask, was the first special issue? While it is marked with the word SPECIAL on its masthead in place of a number, it is known in some circles as Issue 0, and it contained all the essays written for the first Kickstarter of Tales From the Magician’s Skull as well as the first tale of Hanuvar, reprinted from its appearance in the Goodman Games GenCon 2016 Programming Guide. Physical copies today are extremely rare, as this one is likely to be. Cherish its contents!

STORIES Agnar and the Shadow Dragon by Simon Kewin Agnar threw himself into a dive, attempting to roll clear. The beast caught him effortlessly, pinning him under one of its claws. Distantly, Agnar was aware of the seething roar of the crowd as they demanded blood.

The Secret of the Heart …

1 edition