Hardcover, 760 pages

Español language

Published Nov. 17, 2021 by Nova.

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5 stars (38 reviews)

La saga Nacidos de la Bruma (Mistborn) es una obra imprescindible del Cosmere, el universo destinado a dar forma a la serie más extensa y fascinante jamás escrita en el ámbito de la fantasía épica.

Durante mil años nada ha cambiado: han caído las cenizas, los skaa han sido esclavizados y el Lord Legislador ha dominado el mundo. Kelsier, el "superviviente", el único que ha logrado huir de los Pozos de Hathsin, junto a Vin, una pobre chica skaa, se une a la rebelión. Y por fin lo imposible sucede: por fin la revolución ha triunfado. Pero acabar con el Lord Legislador es la parte sencilla. El verdadero desafío consistirá en sobrevivir a las consecuencias de su caída... sin Kelsier.

Vin y el Rey Elend buscan en los últimos escondites de recursos del Lord Legislador y, engañado, el Rey libera del Pozo de la Ascensión algo que debería haber quedado …

15 editions

Review of 'The Hero of Ages' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

This was a very satisfying series. From start to finish the characters were interesting, with real struggles, and real flaws. The things you learn about each metal, their origins, and more is-again-very satisfying.

I'm definitely going to pick up the 2 new books (new time period) to continue the exploration of the this world and its crazy tools of burning metals. I enjoyed it!

Review of 'The Hero of Ages' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Well, call me flabbergasted, but this final Mistborn book makes up for all shortcomings of the previous one, and catapults the series from 'good fantasy with interesting new magic system' to 'whopping epic fantasy' status. Brandon Sanderson painted a broad picture, with two books that are all entertaining prep-work to an amazing conclusion. Throughout, I was vaguely reminded of Melanie Rawn's Sunrunner books.

The Hero of Ages has none of the shortcomings I felt Well of Ascension had. From the beginning it was paced just right. The pre-chapter flavor texts by the then unknown Hero of Ages tossing us snippets of background info just want to keep you reading on and on.

I also appreciated that this book brought some growth to characters that had been there since the first book but never got much attention, like Spook. I think maybe I liked his story in Urteaux the best from …

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