Iris Johansen

Author details

April 7, 1938

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Iris Johansen was born on April 7, 1938. She worked for a major airline formany years and traveled extensively. After her two children, Tamara andRoy, left home for High School, she decided to devote her newfound free timeto writing. Since she loved reading romance novels, she penned a love story,and found to her surprise that "I was just as voracious a writer as I was areader." During the 1980's, her name was emblazoned on dozens of slendervolumes featuring spirited adventuresses, passionate mystery men andsmoldering love scenes. These days, Iris is one of a posse of former romancewriters dominating the New York Times bestseller lists: Jayne Ann Krentz,Nora Roberts, Linda Howard, Tami Hoag, Sandra Brown and Tess Gerritsen allcame up through the category-romance ranks.

Iris Johansen's writing hobby became a career after she sent her firstromance novel in to Bantam Loveswept. Early on in her career, she developedthe habit of following characters from book to book, sometimes introducingminor characters in one novel who then become major figures in another. Shedeveloped families, relationships and even fictional countries in herromance novels, which "stretched the boundaries of the standard formulas,"according to Barbara E. Kemp in Twentieth-Century Romance and HistoricalWriters. In 1991, she broke …

Books by Iris Johansen