Do you have a huge book backlog? Do you avoid doing things just to read? Do you read just to avoid doing things? Bookrastinating is here for you.




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Procrastinators and Book Lovers Unite!

Do you have a huge book backlog? Do you avoid doing things just to read? Do you read just to avoid doing things? Bookrastinating is here for you.

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Recent Books

Hand of Darkness (AudiobookFormat, Black Library) 4 stars

Hand of Darkness


An Aeldari audio drama.

Tasked with a vital mission for Eldrad Ulthran and Primarch Guilliman, Yvraine and her Ynnari head to a place of great power: the Black Library itself.

Listen to it because:

It's the first Aeldari-based Warhammer 40,000 fiction to take place after the Gathering Storm and sees …